I’m that mom that rarely get images printed out unless I’m working on decorating a room…that room right now is Johannah’s room. Surprisingly, I’m almost done! Just need to hang all the gallery wall stuff, put up the decals on her wall, and find a school desk. Anyone have one I can buy? 😉
For her room, I got images printed (finally) from her 4 year session. You can view that session here. It’s always nice to see your images printed big…meaning bigger than an 8×10. I got a couple 16×20’s printed, and one of them I got on a matboard which is what Johannah is holding below.
I only wanted one nice picture, but she had her own ideas.
Then, she wanted me to take a picture of her laying down with it. Man, my poses are boring compared to hers!
**Prints from MpixPro!
Hello! Love the soft pink wall! What brand and color paint is that?
CindyHi Cindy! It’s called Tuscan Pink!