once a year I become THAT stay at home mom….
A stay at home mom became a “stay at home mom” for the day…
Does that seem confusing to you? Well let me clear something up. There are 2 types of stay at home moms…what everyone expects a stay at home mom should be since they’re home all day, and then there’s the reality of how it really is as a stay at home mom.
Today is my husband, Blaine’s 33rd birthday. I always want to make sure his birthday is extra special. It’s my time to step it up. If you all know me, I am not a morning person. My husband whispers he’s heading to work. I turn my head with my eyes still shut, crazy hair with morning breath and all, and kiss him goodbye. Then about 5 minutes later is when I drag my a$$ out of bed so I can get my son Hendrix to the bus stop in time….. Today was different, I actually got up before everyone! Wowzers. Mariah woke up, and we got dressed and headed out the door. I picked up Blaine’s favorite muffins and some Caribou coffee. The hubby came downstairs after getting himself ready for work. His breakfast was on the table, and his coffee ready to be sipped on with his pinky up (LOL). While he went upstairs, I packed his lunch for work and Hendrix’s cold lunch. I should point out that I usually don’t pack his lunch (like mentioned earlier I’m still in bed usually when he leaves for work). He came back down with a big grin on his face as he sees me packing his lunch. This is what came out of my mouth, “Geez, is this how it feels to be the ‘perfect’ stay at home mom?!’ I’m actually dressed. I had breakfast and your coffee ready. I’m packing your lunch….” Blaine, “I know. You’re not flustered. You’re organized. You’re not rushing everywhere. You’re glowing!” Um, did he just say I was glowing?!? I guess the appearance he usually gets from me is like the zombie crawling out of the grave in the Michael Jackson – Thriller video.
Dylan left to go to school, but we still needed to drop off Hendrix at the bus stop. Yesterday and actually most days we’re running out of the garage door still in our sweats or pjs. I then tell Hendrix “Ruuuun!” while I’m power walking behind him pulling the wagon with the other 2 kids in it. Then the moment I see the other kids still in line, we all play cool (or maybe just me) like we totally were NOT frantically racing to the bus stop. I won’t even mention what happened last week during the kids’ first week back to school. We all don’t want to be “that mom” and I definitely was. I even tried to not be that mom! Today was different. Hendrix made it with plenty of time to spare, and I didn’t have to email or call the school because we missed the bus or forgot something.
Then we hurried back because I had lots to do… Like become Betty Crocker. I made chocolate pie and homemade sugar cookies..both of Blaine’s favorite. I went upstairs and made the bed even though I was not the last one out of bed. *cough* Blaine if you’re reading this. I’ll let it slide since it’s your birthday. I made lunch, vacuumed, mopped, put the dishes away that were in the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher, and was on top of the kids’ messes. I actually told them not to even play…. Just sit there and don’t touch anything. Ok, I’m kidding but for realz, all I want is a clean house when daddy gets home today. Is that too much to ask?! Well, it is! I got done vacuuming and mopping and sure enough they started eating cookies and crumbs started popping up left and right on our dark hard flooring. The crumbs then followed them as they ran around the house.
Blaine came home to a clean house like we hired a cleaning lady or something (psssshhh…*me breathing into my knuckles and rubbing it on my chest), homemade cookies on the kitchen island, a mouth watering chocolate pie in the fridge, no dishes in the sink, kitchen counters and table wiped clean, and a wife who actually showered (I hate to even admit that). Talk about a birthday surprise!
Well, just wanted to let you all know I’m drained. I got up too early. I felt like I didn’t even get to hang out with the kids much because I was busy doing all these other “important” stuff like making sure the house is spotless when the hubby got home from work. Well Blaine, I hope you enjoyed this chick today. You do so much for our family. You deserved all these surprises, but goodness that was exhausting! That stay at home mom will see you again next year on August 31st!! LOL! Tomorrow, I’ll be back to my normal stay at home mom self…with plenty of highs with sprinkles of “bad mom” moments, rushing to the bus stop (it’s great morning exercise), pick up the house here and there IF I have time, letting the kids be kids, and shower if I get a chance before you get home.
From the mom who naturally lives my life one hot mess day at a time.
Tanya Jensen
I was that stay at home too and love this. God is Good and Love come in all forms of support but sounds like making that one day extra special goes a long way! Love Love your home! I would Twin the home to my area if I knew the exact cost. Keep inspiring to follow your dreams & mama goals!