Anyone else struggle with what to feed your kids for lunch? My kids do great for dinner but for some reason all they want for lunch is mac & cheese and a fruit cup. If it’s not that, then they want chef boyardee. I’m guilty of it… I like making something quick and easy and hey, they inhale all of their mac & cheese and chef boyardee whenever I do make it for them!
Well, I wanted to try something new yesterday. You know something healthy so I don’t feel bad for not feeding my kids organic healthy meals. I found a picture on Pinterest that had this open sandwich that looked like a bear made out of bread, peanut butter, bananas, and blueberries. My thought process was: they will love the look of it and then will want to eat it. Here is what I gave them:
Hendrix was pretty excited to see this ‘bear’ in front of him.
He even said, “YAY,” and put his hands up in the air and even held the bread up like he was ready to eat it…..
Then it happened…. Hendrix put the bread down, ate the blueberries and pushed it to the side. I gave it to Lennon who is 18 months old and what did he do? Looked at it with a confused look on his face like “why does it look like this?” and started digging his hands into the peanut butter. By this time, my husband came home for lunch and surprised me with a Flatbread BLT spinach sandwich from Subway. Once I busted my sandwich out, all they wanted to eat was MY sandwich. Of course, they would want what mommy is eating. Well, I guess the bear sandwich didn’t quite work for my kids but maybe it’ll work for yours!
I’m going to try other options for lunch. I’ll let you all know how it goes. 😉