I remember when we got our Mercedes and I took a pic of the kids washing it and posted it. I got some haters for that (as in a couple people saying something to Nina). If I took a picture of the kids washing our previous Traverse (which I have), these people wouldn’t be bothered by it so much. Since it was a luxury vehicle, people perceive a picture a lot different. It’s bragging. Can’t people just be happy for others? When I say “washing our new ride,” do I need to explain that it’s not a BRAND NEW SUV, it has over a 120k miles on it, is older than our Traverse, & we traded it because it’s saving us money? Well obviously, some people do need an explanation. Anyways, we needed a car for the hubby. We got him this gem from a guy on Craigslist. Yes, it is a BMW. It’s a 1998. It’s our “new” car because it’s new to us, but guess what haters we still take pride in this like any other vehicle and going to wash this so its sparkling when he drives it! The best part, we have no car payment for this vehicle! #boom #hatersgonnahate