One of my personal New Year’s resolutions is to post more lifestyle/everyday images on the blog! I take a gazillion images of my family that I don’t want these images to just be hidden in my hard drive or phone.
On New Year’s Eve, my husband had a family activity planned for us. I’m like oh gosh what is this going to be?! If you know Nick, he comes up with the most random ideas. Always good ideas though! For our family activity, he wanted us to go to each of the 6 bridges of Madison County and take a family picture at each bridge. I’m like hmmm…interesting. I have to admit, I wasn’t jumping with excitement when he told me, but at least I knew I would get pictures out of it! 😉
Here we are at the first bridge! First off, have you heard of the Bridges of Madison County book/movie? So many of you messaged me that you have read the book and/or seen the movie and LOVED it! Now I definitely have to watch it!

If you follow my Instagram stories, you know that every Christmas each of my kids get their siblings a present. Each kid gets a certain amount they can spend on each of their siblings, and it’s fun to see them think of what their sibling really likes or would love to receive. Nick and I don’t help at all, we just supply the money 😉 We usually open these presents on Christmas Day, but didn’t this year. I’m kind of glad because Nick incorporated those presents with the family activity on New Year’s Eve.
The first person to spot the bridge got to open up a present, and of course Bash being the youngest just gets to open presents by default! Here he is opening one of his presents from Christian!

Here’s the second bridge! On New Year’s Eve, it was snowing off and on which makes for great photos! I love this image with the snow falling! Some people have to photoshop that stuff on their image…not me! 😉

Here’s the third bridge! This bridge took us awhile to find! I had to google and look through yelp to figure out where this was.

Of course I took some pictures of the kids. Surprisingly they cooperated!

At each bridge, Nick and the kids walked through the bridge all the way to the other end.

Here’s my oldest and youngest together!

Here’s the fourth bridge! Sometimes the unintentional blurry images are my favorite!

Here we are at the last bridge!

If you’ve been counting, we only took pictures at five bridges. We actually stopped at the 6th bridge, but they’re completely rebuilding it due to arson. I hope you enjoyed our little New Year’s Eve adventure!