I remember when Niña and I received a save the date for the BHG Stylemaker event, we were like is this for real or did someone hack into the Better Homes & Gardens email? Well, the answer is no one hacked into their email. 😀

We were so excited to take on this adventure together in New York!

We stayed at The Public Hotel.

A warm cookie after 8pm?! Now that’s how you treat your guests! Of course we took advantage of this and ordered room service!

Time to get this party started!! We checked in and met up with some friends!

The first session was all about success stories! Amanda lives in Iowa. Woohoo!! We loved Paloma’s advice to read and learn as much as you can. Ryan showed us an invention in the works. Grace will have a tv show on HGTV early this year!!

The next session was all about social media and SEO with Karla Walsh, Heather Champion, and Melissa Chavez. Wow, we sure learned A LOT!

Anyone else a fan of Chopped on the Food Network?! It was a pleasure to meet one of the judges Chef Maneet Chahuan. The lunch we had was delicious!

Time to make cocktails / mocktails with author Marie Viljoen! Niña and I tried to make some for our table. Can’t believe that would trust us! LOL. It sure tasted delicious!

The “getting the shot” session was about photographing, posing, and beauty! Thanks Annie Schlechter, Kachet, and Sarah!

Last but not least, we got to hear from Carla Hall from Top Chef and The Chew!! OMG..she was HILARIOUS and so inspiring!

We ended the night at the reception with friends and had a quick visit at Time Square!

It was seriously an incredible experience! It was great to connect and finally meet people IRL (in real life). vs on the screen. BHG knows how to throw a party and their swag bag.. I think we each should have brought a bigger suitcase!

Thanks so much Better Homes & Gardens for this amazing opportunity!!