Sunday, Dylan grabbed the mail since we forgot to grab it on Saturday. Well this LuLaroe – Julia dress that I won arrived! I gotta admit at first I was self conscious because it was showing some mom bod curves I’ve been hiding especially lately because I took holiday eating to a whole new level. The moment Blaine saw it on me he was like “Holy Smokes!!” I quickly said…”I don’t know.. maybe in a month I’ll be ready to wear this.” He said, “the human anatomy is supposed to have curves and that dress looks awesome on you.” That Blaine Moyer sure knows how to speak to me. ? What we think in our heads is how we express ourselves, right?! I could have very much worn the dress and felt completely uncomfortable and paranoid. I changed my perspective because 34 is the new 24, and I really should be confident in my mom bod. I rocked that dress all day (and let’s be real…I rocked the spanx as well). Plus, it was so comfy! Can’t wait to get my hands on more!