Well, I’m actually 22 weeks today, but I didn’t get a chance to blog my 21 week baby bump pic. Oh ya know..life just gets so darn busy! I looked at my 21 week comparison from the other photos and guess what the first thing I said to myself? I said, “HOLY FREAKIN MOLY!” My nurse at my 20 week appointment said I only had gained 3 pounds not 10! I mean I feel like I’ve exploded in size..well, now I have proof. Crap!…Should I be doing these baby bump comparisons? Of course, I should be! Even though, it’s hard not to just compare the belly comparison. I’m a normal woman who is at times self conscious as my body changes and will compare how big my arms are getting and how my legs are getting thicker instead of just comparing my belly size. Oh well, my body is just changing for the better for my growing baby boy! As my friend, Jenny Hamre, mentioned what she used to sing to her husband (which I need to quote because she’s just hilarious!): “I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly….and my body to bootylicious for you, babe!” Yes, I can totally see myself singing this with some amazing dance moves to go with it!
I’m lucky though that my hubby is still super sweet. Last night, I was telling Hendrix to be careful because supper was still hot. Then Blaine blurts out, “Yeah, hot like my wife!” My reaction… I literally laughed out loud but was very much thankful for the sweet comment. Who wouldn’t love a random compliment like that from your hubby?
I’ve been CRAVING chocolate like no other. I’m not sure if I bought lots of candy before Easter to put in my boys’ Easter baskets or because I knew there would be extra for me. 🙂 Gosh, I’m so sneaky!
Also, in my last baby bump blog post I had mentioned how I could feel little flutters. Starting the end of my 20 week, he has been moving a lot more, and I’ve started actually seeing him kick. LOVE it. Sometimes when he kicks, I truly think he’s trying to kick Hendrix. When I was pregnant with Hendrix, Dylan was 5. He was old enough that he was gentle and just wanted to feel and kiss my belly. Dylan just turned 7 and is still sweet and gentle to my growing belly. Well, it’s a bit different when you have an 18 month old. Hendrix is a bit rough. I feel like I’m constantly having to guard my belly in case Hendrix runs and tries to jump on me. Hendrix does kiss or should I say makes fart noises on my belly. That’s his way of saying HI to baby, I guess.