For Easter, we traveled back to Iowa. It’s always a pain packing and being in the SUV for 4.5 hours BUT always so worth it once we’re there! 🙂 I wish we lived closer!
Friday, the kids dyed some eggs. This was Lennon’s first time, and he sure enjoyed it!
Next year, Mariah will join in on the fun!
Saturday morning, the kids helped plant some potatoes at great grandma and grandpa’s. Then right after that, it was time for an egg hunt!
The people that sponsored it had all sorts of items for the egg hunt, including ice cream sandwiches. Of course, that’s what Hendrix & Lennon grabbed. Unfortunately, it melted right away that they didn’t even get a chance to eat them. Not sure if ice cream sandwiches at an egg hunt was a great idea.
Easter morning we went to morning mass and had a delicious Easter dinner with family.
There was also an egg hunt for the kids!
Then a good ol’ game of ‘ring around the rosie!’
The next day, the Easter Bunny came! I’m glad he decided to show up since he knew we were out of town for Easter!
What a wonderful 4-day weekend! 🙂