To the lady at Panera…
To the lady at Panera with the screaming child in front of me. I’m sure you were getting suddenly hot in your sweater. I’m sure you wanted to just run out of there. I’m sure you were freaking out inside. I’m sure you were looking at your child hoping he’d just calm down and stop. Don’t worry, I didn’t look up. Not once. I pretended like I couldn’t hear it. One of the worst feelings is as a parent is when people look back or stare at your child. I know you were hoping none of us around you could hear him. I know you were hoping the people eating on the other side of the restaurant wouldn’t wonder where that screaming was coming from. After he still didn’t calm down, I can hear you trying to get out of there as fast as you could and then storming out with him in your arms. I’m sure you felt like people were talking bad about you after you left. I prayed for you. I gave you a mental hug and a few tears went down my face because I’ve experienced that exact same feeling. The ladies around where you were sitting talked about you but only that they understood. They knew exactly how you felt. Hoping maybe he just needed a nap. It’s something that you don’t ever want a mom to experience. The feeling of no control over your child’s emotions…especially in public. I hope you know that we are rooting for you. Rooting for you that you have a better day.