When we took down our christmas tree, the corner by our tv / media console looked so bare. That area was missing something. I knew I wanted to put some sort of shelving there, and when I came across the ladder bookshelf at Hobby Lobby, I fell in love. I’ve always loved the look of the ladder type shelves, and I liked how this shelf ‘fit’ perfectly in my house style.
It was pretty easy to assemble…at least from what I saw while Nick was putting it together 😉 Nick was surprised to see the shelf fully decorated the following day. He’s like “WHOA, that didn’t take you long.” He didn’t know that I pretty much took everything from my office shelf and put it in the ladder bookshelf 😉 My decor is pretty versatile I guess!
This is also Beckham’s corner. As much as I don’t want toys to be seen, it’s impossible. There’s no hiding it…I have kids! 😉
Here’s my big stack of Chatbooks!
Here’s also My Social Book!