This was our first Christmas at the new house. I tried to hold off on decorating, but I just couldn’t help it…I was too excited! I ended up decorating the week before Thanksgiving! I was definitely “that person.” 😉 I wanted to incorporate red into my Christmas decor this year, and I didn’t want it to feel overwhelming, so I added only little bits of red. That’s enough red for this girl who loves whites and neutrals!
Here’s some exterior shots…my fingers seriously almost fell off taking these pics 😉
My husband bought this white tree on clearance at Target two years ago. It’s a pretty tall tree, so we decided to put it in our bedroom. For this tree, I went with the red ornaments, and this tree also has all our memorable ornaments on it!
In our living room, we went with a real tree. It was definitely a struggle trying to find a super tall tree for our living room (separate blog post to come), but we finally found one! For this tree, I went with neutrals and added red berries as my accent color.
I’ve always wanted cream knitted stockings, and I was so excited that Target had them this year! I added some greenery to the stockings since it was a little too plain for me.
Can you believe those small trees were from Wal-mart?!
The wreath was from Hobby Lobby, and I seriously fell in love with it when I saw it!
Here’s more of the details of our real tree. I added some lamb’s ear and red berries to our real tree to add more texture and color.
There’s just something so magical with twinkling lights and the fireplace going.
For our basement, I went with more browns, black, and white tones.
Here’s our calendar area in our mudroom!
I don’t know any calligraphy, so I was pretty impressed with myself!!
Love everything about your home, just my style! Thanks for sharing! And blessings for an amazing 2017!
Sonjaawww thank you so much!!! enjoy your year!!
Best of Christmas: Holiday Décor Favorites -
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Interior Inspiration: White & Neutral Christmas Decor - She Sweats Diamonds
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