I can’t believe I’ve been with Beautycounter for 6.5 months now! I’m so glad I said “yes.” I have to admit, I was a bit skeptic on how well I’d do after saying yes to joining. If I said “Guess what everyone, I joined Beautycounter!” would people roll their eyes?…or would they be happy for me on a new adventure? Yes, that was the question that made me nervous to tell anyone about Beautycounter. How ridiculous right? I’m so glad I listened to my gut! If I made decisions from what others would think of me and my actions, I wouldn’t be where I am today. A person complimented me yesterday saying, how she loves how I come across with passion and wanting to educate others and not as a pushy annoying person on Facebook. That is my intent and I’m glad others see it!
140+ orders later to date, I’ve helped so many people switch to safer, high performing products. That # doesn’t even include my teammates! Thank-you to my awesome team for educating others and providing clients with safer beauty as well! ❤
Guess what? Beautycounter is looking for more ladies who want to make an impact. Your work will be rewarded…yes, financially but what I truly love is that I’ve gained relationships and have met so many amazing ladies. I hate to even mention this because passion is truly what will drive you, what will make you go far, and succeed… not the money, but there’s even a cash prize you can earn that was introduced last week for the first time in 3 years since Beautycounter started. I’m looking for 1 person especially in eastern Iowa, 1 more in the Des Moines area (I do have 1 I’m having lunch on Thursday with…YEA!), 1 in Pella, and 1 person not in Iowa that I can help via phone calls and video calls. I want to help these 4 individuals grow a successful business like mine while getting safe and effective products out into the marketplace! It truly is amazing when women lock arms, work together, making an impact in the beauty industry. 4 hours a week or 40 hours a week, Beautycounter has a place for you. I’d love to chat with you!
Email me at cecilia.moyer@gmail.com
Check out my website HERE